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ACF/Active carbon filter

There are 31 products in the category.

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Activated carbon filter: This is how the air gets clean again!
When growing indoors for the first time, it is often underestimated how strong some plants smell. The responsible indoor gardener is prepared for this and installs an activated carbon filter (AKF), which neutralizes the exhaust air from the grow box.

Activated carbon is a permeable, fine-grained carbon that, thanks to its holy, convoluted shape, forms a very large absorbent inner surface. So any particles that get through the filter get caught in it. Activated carbon filters from air conditioning systems or cigarette filters are known. They are also widely used for all types of filtering in industrial companies.

The activated carbon filter is installed in front of the exhaust air fan. The air is drawn in through the filter, filtered and passed outside via the fan. In this way, the development of odors and soiling is cleaned up and carried out to the outside in an almost odorless manner.

Be sure to match your activated carbon filter to your exhaust fan.
1.To ensure that the activated carbon filter fits, it must be matched to the connection diameter of your fan. The diameter of the connections of the filter and fan should be the same so that you can connect them easily.

2. The air flow through the activated carbon filter should be almost as large as that of the fan. This means that it can filter as much air as is drawn in by the fan. The flow rate of the air is given in cubic meters per hour (m3 / h) and is called the volume flow

3. The air throughput of the activated carbon filter must not be too low. It should be at least a quarter of its specified output - otherwise it cannot filter properly.

4. Care for your activated carbon filter. Make sure that the humidity in the grow room does not exceed 70 percent. Activated carbon filters don't like that. Especially at night, when the grow lamp is off, the humidity can quickly rise to 70 percent or more.

Only the best activated carbon filters.
We offer the brands Prima Klima and CarbonActive or CanLite

Would you like to buy an entire ventilation set?
No problem! We have already put together and tested complete ventilation sets with activated carbon filters for you.

How long does an activated carbon filter last:
An activated carbon filter lasts 2-3 grow passes on average.

When to change activated carbon filters Grow:
Check your exhaust air regularly for odors. When the activated carbon filter is perceived when you hold your nose against the exhaust hose.